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Signo y Pensamiento

Signo y Pensamiento. ISSN 0120-4823. Bogota, Colombia. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Volume 22 No. 43(2003)

  • Narváez, A. (2003). Cultura política y mediática [Political and media culture]. Signo y Pensamiento, 22, 79-97.
    This article deals with various concepts regarding communication and how it is viewed by the public. It touches upon how the public realm is constituted by social agents and not the media, that there is no rupture between the politics of the public and the politics of the media, and that the public realm is not amplified by the media but restricted because the views of critics and other forms of communication are many times blocked. These are just a few of the topics covered regarding how the media can negatively affect the public.
  • Fierro, A. (2003). Representaciones de género en un programa radial juvenil: el caso de El Gallo, de Radioactiva [Representation of a genre within a juvenile program: the case of El Gallo, in Radioactiva]. Signo y Pensamiento, 22, 120-136.
    This article analyzes the preference of young men in Columbia for a radio station; the information was gathered through a survey of one hundred young men. They were asked to specify their preference in radio stations. The result showed that most preferred to listen to the show El Gallo of Radioactiva. The study specified in this article attempts to explicate why the men preferred that radio station over all the rest. A few of the theories offered include the fact that there are sex talks and an opposition of male against female talks on the radio station.

    Vol. 22, No. 42 (2003)

    • Vilches, Lorenzo. “La contaminacion ambiental: entre la ficcion y los formatos de realidad.” Signo y Pensamiento, Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42. pp. 9-21. The author looks at the idea of mutual “contamination” between two types of TV genres or formats: fictional series and formatted reality shows, which are constantly interacting and influencing each other in TV production, programming and reception.
    • Rincon, Omar. “Realities: La narrativa total de la television” Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42., pp. 22-36. The article analyzes four aspects of reality shows: TV format, industrial strategy, cultural representation and ethnic problems of subject production.
    • Sanchez, Rosario. “Ficcion contra realidad. Viejas tensiones, nuevos generos Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42. pp. 37-46. The expansion of reality shows seems to reduce gradually the space of fiction shows, incorporating at the same time the fiction series resources and generic features. The article’s analysis of opposition and hybridization of two genres is based on the first Argentinean version of the “Big Brother” reality show.
    • Mazziotti, Nora“Sobre las relaciones entre etica y generos de ficcion audiovisual.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42. pp. 47-55. The author states that each genre of theater, movies and television has a moral commitment that is closely related to values and the social culture of a certain era.
    • Felix, Claudia B. “Hacia la construccion del espectador modelo de los reality shows.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42. pp. 57-68. The article explores the possibilities of establishing a dialogue between the model author and the model reader of the “globalized” reality show genre.
    • Barros de Andrade, Roberta M. “El receptor y el texto de ficcion. Telenovelas y publicos en Brasil” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42. pp. 69-79. The textual material of soap operas is defined by audience routine practices and assumptions. The essential key for analyzing these type of shows is the specific character outlined by genre rules and audience conventions.
    • Guardia Crespo, Marcelo. Des-encuentros culturales en la prensa sensacionalista: del derecho positivo a las culturas “indomables.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42. pp. 80-93. “Tabloid press” shows the absence of a favorable meeting point between illustrated cultures…and popular cultures. It’s imperative to recognize the spots of “cultural coincidences that strengthen law in all fields” and establish opportunities to achieve equal rights of receiving information.
    • Alba, Gabriel “Ficcion de realidad y realidad de la ficcion en el cine colombiano” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42. pp. 95-111. The analysis based on a sample of three Colombian movies made between 1950 and 2000 “allows the reader to recognize the most common topics, characters, and narrative resources of Colombian fiction film making”.
    • Barros, Luiza & Peregrino de Morais, Wilma. “Isla de las flores, Noticias de una guerra particular y Rap del pequeno principe. Tres visiones de la realidad brasilena y una ficcion.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42. pp.112-123. The main target of this study of three Brazilian documentaries is to investigate “the role of fiction in the documentary film, a discourse focused on reality”.
    • Rodriguez, Clemencia. “Ciudadanos mediaticos y la voz del angel-poeta” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXII January – June 2003 No. 42. pp. 124-133. Based on the analysis of Wide Fields, a documentary made by three chicano girls from Texas, the article examines a “so called alternative mass media through the concept of “citizen media”.

    Vol. 21, No. 41 (2002)

    • Martin-Barbero, Jesus. “Pistas para entre-ver medios y mediaciones.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41.pp 13-20. Author explores the important and extensive influence of various media, mediation networks and technology on the the formulation of culture and politics in Latin America.
    • Gomez, Guillermo O. “Mediaciones tecnologicas y des-ordenamientos comunicacionales.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41. pp. 21-33. The author chooses a sociocentric perspective to express some of his critical views on the relationship between technological changes and communication and the effects of old types of media versus new ones in Latin America and beyond.
    • Montoya, Ancizar N. “Nuevas tecnologicas de comunicacion. Desigualdad economica y cultural.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41. pp. 34-46. The author looks at the true significance and imlications of ICT’s on technical, social and economic convergence of the subordinated or less powerfull countries (states, communities) with the first world, developed ones (or denominations thereof).
    • Valencia, Daniel G. “Institucionalidad e industrias de la comunicacion en la modernidad.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41. pp. 47-57. Author focuses on the institutional nature of all forms of communication/ information industry and their effects on cultural development and impact on “contemporary social groups.”
    • (Entrevista con Lorenzo Vilches) “Cambio cultural y transformacion audiovisual. De la mediacion tecnologica a la migracion digital.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41.
    • Ortiz, Renato. “Globalizacion y esfera publica. Entre lo nacional y lo transnacional.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41.
    • Velez, Jorge I.B. “De la plaza publica a los medios? Apuntes sobre medios de comunicacion y esfera publica.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41.
    • Luchessi, L. & Bakmas, G. C. “Voces divergentes, voces excluyentes. El papel de los medios en la construccion de identidades globales.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41.
    • Saintout, Florencia. “La criminilazion de los jovenes en la TV: los pibes chorros. Un acercamiento a la cultura desde los medios.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41.
    • Alba, Gabriel. “Los ninos en la prensa colombiana del crimen.” Signo y Pensamiento. Volume XXI July-December 2002 No. 41.