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Media Perspektiven

Media Perspektiven, ISSN 0170-1754. Published monthly by Media Perspektivan; Am Steinerman Stock 1; 60320 Frankfurt am Main; Germany, this journal reports media studies of various methodologies.

Vol. 46, no. 1 (2008)

  • Krüger, U. M. (2008). Programmprofile von n-tv und N24: Entwicklung und Positionierung der beiden privaten Nachrichtenkanäle im deutschen Fernsehmarkt. [Program profiles of n-tv and N24: Development and positioning of the two on-commercial channels in the German television market] Media Perspektiven, 46, 2-14.
  • Oehmichen, E. & Schneider, H. (2008). Qualitätsanforderungen an Fernseh-Informationssendungen: Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse der Qualitätssteuerung im Hessischen Rundfunk. [Quality requirements in television information transmissions: Experiences and results of the process control in Hessian broadcasting.] Media Perspektiven, 46, 15-24.
  • Kaumanns, R., & Siegenheim, V. (2008). Von der Suchmaschine zum Werbekonzern: Googles Ambitionen für ein crossmediales Werbenetzwerk. [From the search engine to an advertising company: Google's ambitions for a cross-media advertising network] Media Perspektiven, 46, 25-33.
  • Franz, G. (2008). Werbung in Radio und Internet: Eine Synthese mit Wirkung: Ergebnisse einer amerikanischen Studie. [Advertising in radio and the Internet: A synthesis with effect: Results of an American study] Media Perspektiven, 46, 34-39.

Vol. 45, no. 12 (2007)

  • Eifert, M. (2007). Gebührenurteil: Die Bedeutung liegt in der Kontinuität [A consideration of the BVerfG's broadcast fee: Meaning lies in continuity]. Media Perspektiven, 45, 602-607.
  • Gerhards, M., & Klinger, W. (2007). Programmangebote und Spartennutzung im Fernsehen 2006 [Program offers and section use on television in 2006]. Media Perspektiven, 45, 608-621.
  • Kochhan, C., & Schengbier, K. (2007). Bücher und Lesen im Kontext unterschiedlicher Lebenswelten [Books and reading in the context of different environments] Media Perspektiven, 45, 622-633.
  • Woldt, R. (2007). Strategien für den analogen Switch-off des Fernsehens [Strategies for the switch-off of analogue television]. Media Perspektiven, 45, 634-641.

Vol. 45, no. 10 (2007)

  • Breunig, C. (2007). IPTV und Web-TV im digitalen Fernsehmarkt. [IPTV and Web-TV in the digital television market]. Media Perspektiven, 45, 478-491.
  • Feierabend, S. & Klingler, W. (2007). Kinder und Medien: Ergebnisse der KIM-Studie 2006. [Children and media: Results of the 2006 KIM Study]. Media Perspektiven, 45, 492-505.
  • Franz, G. (2007). Die IPA-TouchPoints-Initiative. [The IPA TouchPoints Initiative]. Media Perspektiven, 45, 506-513.
  • Bucher, H.-J. & Schumacher, P. (2007). Tabloid versus Broadsheet: Wie Zeitungsformate gelessen werden. [Tabloid vs. Broadsheet: Reading news formats] Media Perspektiven, 45, 514-528.
  • ARD-Forschungsdienst. (2007). Nutzung und Funktionen neuer Medien bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. [Uses and functions of new media among children and young people]. Media Perspektiven, 45, 529-534.

Vol. 45, no. 11 (2007)

  • Martens, D. & Amann, R. (2007). Podocast: Wear-out oder Habitualisierung? [Podcasts: Fad or habit?]. Media Perspektiven, 45, 538-551.
  • Wild, C. (2007). Wahrnehmungs- und Wirkungschancen von Radio- und Onlinewerbung. [Perception- and effects- chances of radio and online advertising] Media Perspektiven, 45, 552-559.
  • Schütz, W. J. (2007). Redaktionelle und verlegerische Struktur der deutschen Tagespresse. [Editorial and publishing structures of German daily papers]. Media Perspektiven, 45, 589-598.


No. 1:

  • Kuchenbuch, K. (2003). Die Fernsehnutzung von Kindern aus verschiedenen Herkunftsmilieus: Eine Analyse anhand des Sinus-Milieu-Modells. Media Perspektiven, 2-11. [The use of television by children from different social strata: An analysis on the basis the Sinus Milieu model (Sinus Sociovision model).]
  • Fritz, I., & Klingler, W. (2003). Zeitbudgets und tagesablaufverhalten in Deutschland: Die Position der Massenmedien: Ergenisse auf Basis der ARD/ZDF-Studie Massenkommunikation 2000. Media Perspektiven, 12-23. [Time budgets and daily routines in Germany: The position of the mass media: Results on basis of the ARD/ZDF mass communication study for 2000.]
  • Pätzold, U. & Röper, H. (2003). Fernsehproduktionsvolumen 1998 bis 2000: Forschreibung der Formatt-Studie über Konzentration und regionale Schwerpunkte der Auftragsproduktionsbranche. Media Perspektiven, 24-34. [Television production volume 1998 to 2000: An interpretation of the Formatt study of the concentration and regional emphasis of the production industry.]
  • Adlbrecht, J. (2003). Internetverbreitung und Onlinenutzung in Österreich: ORF ist führendes Medienangebot im Internet. Media Perspektiven, 35-43. [The spread of the Internet and on-line usage in eastern Germany.]

No. 2

  • Breunig, C. (2003). Onlineangebote für Jugendliche: Jugend-Websites sind ideal Ergänzung zu den klassichen Medien. Media Perspektiven, 50-66. [On-line offers for young people: Youth Websites are an ideal addition to the existing media]
  • van Eimeren, B. (2003). Internetnutzung Jugendlicher: Erlebniswert des Internets beruht wesentlich auf Kommunikation und Unterhaltung. Media Perspektiven, 67-75. [Use of the Internet by youth: Value of Internet experience is based substantially on communication and maintenance.]
  • Turecek, O., Grajczyk, A., & Roters, G. (2003). Video- und DVD-Markt im Aufwind: 2001 und 2002 erfolgreiche Jahre für die Videobranche. Media Perspektiven, 76-85. [Video and DVD market forecast: 2001 and 2002 successful years for the video industry.]
  • Gaßner, H-P. (2003). Werbeerfolgskontrolle mit der Spot-Analyse Radio. Media Perspektiven, 86-92. [Control and benefits of radio spot analysis.]


    Of interest in No. 7 are two articles:

    • Uwe Domke and Christoph Wild, “Fernsehen braucht Radio” [TV needs Radio] (pp. 294-307). On the basis of two different methodologies, researchers show the effects of radio in conjunction with the mix of television. Radio as the every day source of information has a direct impact on our decision making process just shortly before a product is being purchased. Radio has an impact on us by sounds which helps us to recognize this pattern in television. This means that we associate a certain sound to a so called visual-transfer-effect, which allows radio spots to support television images or commercial advertisements to be more effective. Radio and television aren’t really competitors when it comes to something like beer. No, they help each other out in one way or the other. Television is being used to store certain pictures into our long time memory while the radio on the other hand are short term sources to increase the sales.

    No. 8 reports a number of studies dealing with online behaviors.

    • Birgit van Eimeren, Heinz Gerhard, and Beate Frees, “Entwicklung der Onlinenutzung in Deutschland: Mehr Routine, weniger Entdeckerfreude.” [Development of online usage in Germany: More routine, less enthusiasm] (pp. 346-362). This article gives the currently valid data about the Internet usage in Germany. Within the last six years, Internet practice has grown up to seven times. Nothing less than the cell phone and the Internet has reached this fast a growth rate in technology; however, the overall growing has slowed down. Data show that the Internet is being used mainly by young, educated, employed men. While the first years of Internet were exciting, the Internet has become another tool for a typical medium type like print, and the surfer has given secularizing usage its way. The Internet has become the medium for emails as well as for searches. Even when the daily Internet usage has grown up to 35 minutes per adult citizen, the overall growing rate of the Internet has slowed down. Internet access currently is limited to computers, and other peripherals that could have the Internet included are following very slowly. Internet users expect that the classical form of print, TV, and radio will have advertising in the near future. We can see a drastically market transfer from the classical form to the Internet.
    • Maria Gerhards and Annette Mende, “Nichtnutzer von Online: Kern von Internetverweigerern” [Non-users of online resources: The core of Internet deniers] (pp. 363-375). Most parts of Germany still live without Internet access. The growth rate of the Internet has slowed down. There is a split within the social class which we call “Off-liners.” There are several reasons causing the “Off-liners” to be separated from the Internet. First, cost is a tremendous influence on the growing rate for young “Off-liners.” An affordable plan like a price cut for the equipment as well as the Internet service is expected in the future. Secondly, the requirement of complex abilities has a tremendous effect on “Off-liners.” No other medium requires routines and deep knowledge on how to use it. Thirdly, “Off-liners” feel there is no need in exploring the Internet because they do have classical media like TV, radio, and print. The classical sources are doing their work just fine; however, additional programs are offered to Internet off-liners to overcome their fear in exploring new media.
    • Christian Breunig, “Onlineangebot fuer Kinder” [Online market for children] (pp. 389-402). Breunig argues that children in the future will still use TV and radio, but Internet communication will have an increasing trend in their social activities. Search engines for kids shouldn’t have any commercial aspects, but without any sponsor those websites have over the last couple years declined in their development and some of them have shut down. Mass media Internet pages have a better financial security which helps them developing more specialized children’s websites. Public media websites like radio are under the strongest control in having a commercial, violence free education center. His research asks for websites that are more clearly designed to return back to the home page, for example. This allows even smaller children to search for information on the special designed World Wide Web for children. Current analysis shows that the daily Internet usage has increased in the last years; in addition, the time budget will continuously increase. In 2002, children between the age 6 and 13 years live in households where a PC exists. Parents welcome the Internet as source for future education and an increasing use of this media by young children is expected.

    (No. 7-8 summarized by Frank Kunzfeld, Santa Clara University undergraduate program.)

    Issue number 9 presents an overview of media companies and trends in Germany during the year 2002.

    • Horst Röper, “Formationen deutscher Medienmultis 2002: Entwicklungen und Strategien der größten deutschen Medienunternehmen” (pp. 406-432). This article reviews media ownership patterns in Germany as well as the corporate media strategies of the largest players.
    • Andreas Vogel, “Publikumszeitschriften: Dominanz der Großverlage gestiegen. Daen zum Markt und zur Konzentration der Publikumspresse in Deutschland im I. Quartal 2002” (pp. 433-447). This articles presents a similar review of ownership patterns and publication figures for the largest print media outlets.
    • Walter Klingler & Dieter K. Müller. “MA 2002 Radio: Radionutzung auf hohem Niveau stabil. Hörfunknutzung in Deutschland” (pp. 448-459). This article presents material on radio listening, analyzing survey results of listening patterns.
    • Aulis Gröndahl, “Digitales Fernsehen in den nordischen Ländern: Zwischen Kulturpolitik und Marktdynamik” (pp. 460-472). This analysis of digital television delivery systems in Scandanavia examines the competing motivations and methods (cable, satellite, terrestrial broadcasting) for the services.

    No. 10 publishes a number of studies related to the economy of the media—concentration of ownership and financial difficulties of the Church press—as well as studies of television program production and network programming.

    No. 11:

    • Woldt, R. (2002). Pay-TV: Marktbereinigung auf breiter Front: Krise und Konzentration in europäischen Bezahlfernsehen. Media Perspektiven, 534-543. [Pay TV: Market shakeout on a broad front: Crisis and concentration in European pay TV].
    • Gerhards, M. & Klingler, W. (2002). Programmangebote und Spartennutzung im Fernsehen 2001: Entwicklungstrends und Unterschiede zwischen öffentlich-rechtlichen und privaten Programmen. Media Perspektiven, 544-556. [Program offers and section use on television in 2001: Development and differences between public and private programs.]
    • Neckermann, G. (2002). Außergewöhnliches Filmjahr bringt Rekordbesuch: Filmbesuch, Filmangebot, und Kinobesucherstruktur in Deutschland 1991 bis 2001. Media Perspektiven, 557-567. [Extraordinary film year brings record attendance: Film attendance, film offers, and cinema visitor structure in Germany 1991 to 2001.]
    • Blaes, R. (2002). ZFP: Drei Buchstaben -- ein Markenzeichen: Zentrale Fortbildung der Programm-Mitarbeiter von ARD und ZDF. Media Perspektiven, 568-574. [ZFP: Three letters -- a brand name: Central advanced training of program coworkers of ARD (broadcasting corporations) and ZDF (Channel 2 of German Television).]

    No. 12 (2002): This issue devotes its articles to the role of the media in the 2002 Bundestag elections in Germany.