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Anàlisi: Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura. ISSN 0211-2175. Published by Department de Periodisme i de Ciències de la Comunicació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Servei de Publicacions, Apartat postal 20. 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Espanya.

This review publishes articles dealing with communication in its various forms; articles may be written in any romance language or English.

Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 34, 2006

The theme for this issue is public relations, featuring the following articles:

  • Parés i Maicas, M. (2006). Las relaciones públicas, una ciencia social. Anàlisi, 34, 23-48. [Public relations: a communication science and a social science]
  • Grunig, J. E. (2006). Research in public relations: Current status and new directions. Anàlisi, 34, 49-65.
  • Wilcox, D. L. (2006). The landscape of today's global public relations. Anàlisi, 34, 67-85.
  • Noguero i Grau, A. (2006). Consideraciones acerca de las relaciones puacute;blicas en el siglo XX y su incardinación actual en el fenómeno de la globalización. Anàlisi, 34, 87-102. [Considerations regarding public relations in the 20th century and their current incardination in the phenomenon of globalization.]
  • Magallón, S. (2006). Concepto y elementos de las relaciones públicas. Anàlisi, 34, 103-109. [Concept and elements of public relations]
  • Arceo Vacas, J. L. (2006). La investigación de relactiones públicas en España. Anàlisi, 34, 111-124. [Public relations research in Spain.]
  • Krohling Kunsch, M. M. (2006). Planejamento e gestão estratégica de relações públicas nas organizações contemporâneas. Anàlisi, 34, 125-139. [Public relations planning and strategica management in contemporary organizations.]
  • Castillo, A. (2006). Investigación bibliométrica de las tesis doctorales españolas sobre relaciones públicas (1965-2005). Anàlisi, 34, 141-161. [Bibliometric research of Spanish doctoral theses on public relations, 1965-2005.]
  • Xifra, J. (2006). ¿Es marketing todo lo que reluce? La pluralidad de perspectivas conceptuales de las relaciones públicas. Anàlisi, 34, 163-180. [Is marketing all that glitters? The plurality of the conceptual perspectives of public relations.]
  • Ordeix i Rigo, E. (2006). La gestió del compromís: construir la identitat i els valors a les organitzacions a partir de les relacions públiques. Anàlisi, 34, 181-192. [The management of commitment: Building up the internal organizational identity and values through public relations]
  • Castillo Esparcia, A. (2006). Las relaciones públicas internas como factor de gestión empresarial. Anàlisi, 34, 193-208. [Internal public relations as a factor of business management]
  • Risquete, J. (2006). Gabinets de premsa i de comunicació. L'ambigua frontera entre el periodisme i les relacions públiques. Anàlisi, 34, 209-221. [Press and communication offices: The ambiguous border between journalims and public relations]
  • Almansa Martínez, A. (2006). Gabinetes de comunicación. Estudio sobre su presencia en las organizaciones. Anàlisi, 34, 223-237. [Press offices: A study of their presence in organizations]
  • Arceo Vacas, A. (2006). Las relaciones públicas y la evaluación de la imagen proyectada por los medios de comunicación de masas. Las elecciones a la presidencia de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid y al Ayuntamiento de Madrid en 2003. Anàlisi, 34, 239-254. [Public relations and the evaluation of the image projected by the mass media: The presidential elections in the community of madrid and for the mayoralty of Madrid in 2003]
  • Otero Alvarado, M. T. (2006). Relaciones públicas y gestión de públicos en eventos: los principios rectores del ceremonial y el protocolo. Anàlisi, 34, 255-269. [Public relatinos and the management of publics: Guiding principles of the ceremony and protocol in events.]
  • Vinyals i Corney, M. (2006). El patrocini i el mecenatge cultural com a elements estratègics de les relacions públiques. Anàlisi, 34, 271-286. [Cultural sponsorship as a strategic factor of public relations]
  • León Duarte, G. A. (2006). La comunicación organizacional en México. Enfoques, diseños y problemas en su desarrollo. Anàlisi, 34, 287-304. [Organizatinoal communication in Mexico: Focuses, designs, and problems in its development]
  • Contreras Lanfranco, D. (2006). La gestión de crisis en la comunicación organizacional: el caso de Chile. Anàlisi, 34, 305-313. [Crisis management in organizational communication: The case of Chile]
  • Koróchensky, A. (2006). El PRnalism en Rusia: la dimensión ética. Anàlisi, 34, 315-324. [The PRnalism in Russia: The ethical dimension]
  • Parés i Maicas, M. (2006). Ética i deontologia de les relacions públiques. Anàlisi, 34, 325-338. [Ethics and deonology of public relations.

Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30,  No. 30. 2003

  • Rodríguez Bravo, A. (2003). La investigación aplicada: Una nueva perspectiva para los estudios de la recepción. [Applied research: a new approach with regard to studies on reception.] Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 17-36.  
    The Instrumental Communications Analysis Laboratory, which is part of the communications department of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, has been working on a methodological model named the Instrumental Communications Analysis Method. From the epistemological standpoint, the instrumental communications analysis establishes an idea of studying communications that clearly differentiates it from other disciplines with subjects of study that are apparently similar, such as Linguistics, Psychology or Sociology.
  • Humanes, M.L. (2003). La reconstrucción del pasado en las noticias. La representación mediática del 25 aniversario de la muerte de Franco y la coronación de Juan Carlos I. [The representation of the past in the news. The newsworthy treatment of the 25th anniversary of Franco’s death and the crowning of Juan Carlos I.] Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 39-57.  
    Journalists work on the collective memory, making a reconstruction of the history by the news. The paper researches the characteristics of the newsworthy treatment of recent events in Spain such as the 25th anniversary of Franco’s death and the crowning of Juan Carlos I, through the analysis of news published in November 2000 in the diaries El Pais, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia, and El Correo Español.
  • Barrera, C. & Zugasti, R. (2003). Imagen publica de Cataluña y de Juan Carlos I en su primer viaje como rey en febrero de 1976. [The public image of Catalonia and King Juan Carlos in his first trip as king in February 1976.] Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 59-77.  
    This paper examines the press coverage of the Monarch’s trip to Catalonia through the content analysis of the newspaper articles written on the subject at the time. The study focused on the characterization, human as well as political, which the press attributed to the King Juan Carlos I, as well as the image that the newspapers gave to a Catalonia reasserting its demands for self-government.
  • Marín Murillo, F., Caminos Marcet, J. M., Armentia Vizuete, J. I., & Alberdi Ezpeleta, A. (2003). El símbolismo mítico en torno a Bin Laden a través de la prensa. [The mythical symbolism regarding Bin Laden through the press.] Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 81-104.  
    After the attacks against the Twin Towers of New York, Osama Bin Laden became the protagonist in many journalistic texts. Newspapers, in their eagerness to emphasize the evil in Bin Laden, equipped him with symbolic aspects that peculiarly, coincide with the archetypal hero of classical mythology. This text is based on the analysis of 343 texts of El Pais, a daily Spanish newspaper, and 125 texts from El Mundo.
  • Giro, X. (2003). La imatge de la joventut a la prensa escrita. Valors, política i violència. [The image of the youth in the press. Values, politics, and violence.] Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 105-124.  
    The article presents the results of a quantified qualitative analysis of the image of the youth in the press. Each journalistic piece of an extended sample taken from four newspapers during a three-month period is analyzed qualitatively to identify the values to which young people are associated.
  • La Porte, M. T. & Sadaba, T. (2003). Niza, una cumbre, dos temas, tres visiones. Aproximación a la cumbre de Niza a través de la cobertura de la prensa española. [Nice: One summit, two topics, three visions. An approach to the Nice summit through Spanish press coverage.] Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 125-144.  
    The debate about the institutional reform and the enlargement of the European Union were two of the main topics in the Nice summit, in December 2000. Through the Spanish press coverage, this article analyzes important issues discussed in Nice: the process of reform and integration, the idea of Europe, and the role of the Spanish government in those areas.
  • Herrera Damas, S. (2003). Tipología de la participación de los oyentes en los programas de radio [Typology of participation of listeners to radio programs]. Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 145-166.  
    This article describes the various modalities, which radio program listeners can adopt. The typology described in the present article, which constitutes a fragment of larger research, has its departure point from a total of five criteria.
  • Rost, A. (2003). Una propuesta metodológica para estudiar el hipertexto en el periódico digital. [Methodological proposal to study the hypertext in digital newspapers.] Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 169-183.  
    This article is a methodological proposal to analyze the hypertext structures and links of digital newspapers in order to recognize what implications the hypertext has in the construction of the news. The author proposes, on the one hand, to distinguish three kinds of hypertext structures (hierarchical, networked, and mixed structures), and on the other hand, to examine the semantic links that the media shows by classifying them according to hierarchy, contents, spatial organization, and information morphologies.
  • Bassols, M. (2003). La Guerra dels mots i els mots de la Guerra. La invasió d’Iraq a trav&eactue;s del discurs periodístic. [The war of words and the words of war.] Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 187-204.  
    The textualization of newsworthy events collaborate in a direct and fundamental way in the social construction of the reality that surrounds us because from it a conceptual scheme is formed in the minds of the recipients. Journalists determine the linguistic substitution of the intervening human participants and of their actions; they decide upon the denomination of the actors and events that they carry out. This article is about how the mass media transmits the information that their institutional domain (highly mediated by politics) wishes to give about the knowledge of a given thematic field.
  • Tena Parera, D. (2003). La comunicació visual persuasive. [Visual Communication]. Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 205-213.  
    This article is about a new perspective that enables us to talk about a new methodology that relates the graphic message, or the elements of a message with the recipient’s performance. This way, the recipient becomes the main point of information about the communication process in general, and the process of visual communication specifically.
  • Diaz Rojo, J. A. (2003). Lenguaje y reclamos de salud en la publicidad de los alimentos. [Language and health claims in food advertising.] Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 217-224.  
    The commercial promotion of foods by means of the appeal to health is one of the procedures most used in advertising. This paper describes the types of health claims used in the food advertising and its application in Spain. This work also analyzes the subjective vision of the health transmitted in the food advertising.
  • Vargas Bianchi, L. (2003). Procesamiento de información y familiaridad de marca.[Information, processing, and brand familiarity]. Anàlisi: Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura, 30, 225-240.  
    Based on the studies about brand information processing, developed from both communication and consumer behavior theories in the last decade, this paper suggests that consumer learning easies the arousal of brand familiarity.

Volume 29 (2002)

This volume features articles addressing the theme of the anthropology of communication.

  • Duch, Lluís. "Antropologia de la comunicació" (pp. 21-40) and "Breu bibliografìa comentada" [Brief annotated bibliography], pp. 41-43.
    Duch argues that "any form of human presence in the world initiates a communicative process." This communication is conditioned by historical variables. "Via the communication which puts at [the individual's] disposla the 'welcoming structures', he will begin the long journey that distances him from nature and brings him closer to culture. To say that human beings are their own culture, is to say thnat, for better or for worse, relational communication constitutes their essence" (p. 3).
  • Martín-Barbero, Jesús. "Desencuentros de la socialidad y reencantamientos de la identidad [Deconstructing society and rediscovering identity]," pp. 45-62.
    Martín-Barbero examines "the question of identity in a multicultural, globalized environoment and the consequent demystification of traditions, which undermnes collective ethics. The place of culture, which is transformed with globalization, replaces customs with ways of life fashioned by publicity and consumerism....At its deepest, most challenging level, the idea of multiculturalism points towards a configuration of societies in which the dynamics of the economy and culture mobilize not just the heterogeneity of groups and their realignment with global pressures but also the coexistence within a single society of very different codes and narratives, thus turning on its end the experience which until now was our identity" (p. 4).
  • Reguillo, Rossana. "El otro antropológico. Poder y representación en una contemporaneidad sobresaltada [An anthropological other. Power and portrayal in a state of upheaval]," pp. 63-79.
    "This article looks at the question of the processes of representing and classifying the other in two traditions of thought: anthropology and communication. The author argues that in order to think of themselves, powerful cultures need the presence of a distinct, different other....The media panorama reconfigures (and decentralizes) the place for thinking of the other, but continues to maintain the symbolic atability provided by the certainty of an (expanded) us as opposed to (localized) others, an anthropological device of the old soul" (p. 5).
  • Ortiz, Renato. "Anotações sobre religião e globalização. [Notes on religion and globalization]," pp. 81-102.
    "The debate between religion and modernity serves as a starting point to establish to what extent the process of globalization alters the position and configuration of religion in today's world. In order to articulate and develop this link between religion and globalization, the author...analyze[s] the link between religious and other relevant concepts, such as political and ethical power; and also to raise the question of to what extent the media and new technology are driving theological education" (p. 5).
  • Tresserras, Miquel. "Processor d'identificació de l'indifidu dins del grup en lo societat de la comunicació [Processes of identifying the individual within the group in the communication society]," pp. 103-118.
    "Communication technologies have probably changed our way of telling stories, of interpreting the events of our world and of reasoning....This essay argues that the reinforcing of spaces of risk, those in which individuals must take decisions, transforms the trivializing effects of the audiovisual and converts such spaces into an unexpected agent of humanism that is at once tolerant of an attentive towards the complexity of the world" (p. 6).
  • Tuson, Jesús. "Imatges i paraules [Words and images]," pp. 119-127.
    Tuson questions the dominance of images in contemporary culture and argues for a continuity with the tradition of human development that balanced the visual with the verbal. "The increase in images does not appear to have threatened the essential and distinctive human capacity for the acquisition and use of languages" (p. 7).
  • Roma, Josefina. "Aparicions i comunicació [Apparitions and communication]," pp. 129-141.
    This essay examines the phenomenon of religious apparition by placing them on two axes: the vertical ("the vision that communicates a message to the clairvoyant") and the horizontal ("the relationship of the clairvoyant with the protecting guide and guides, who interpose betweeen the clairvoyant and the faithful"). Communication plays a role along both dimensions (p. 7).
  • Vicens, Antoni. "Defensar-nos de l'impossible [Defending ourselves against the impossible]," pp. 143-158.
    Beginning with a reading of Freud's Civilization and its Discontents, this essay explores the relationship between the the interior, the speaking being, and others in the struggle for civilization.
  • Vilar, Gerard. "la comunicació en l'art contemporani. Nous i vells problemes de l'estètica filosòfica [Communication in contemporary art: Problems old and new in philosophical aesthetics]," pp. 159-173.
    "Contemporary art raises new problems in philosophical aesthetics because it is mainly a form for the communication of meanings. But these meanings are prsented in a way that is different from that of other symbolic systems....The task facing philosophical aesthetics and the art critic today is that of renovating their vocabulary as a means of helping us to better understand the new forms of communication that contemparary artists present us with" (p. 9).

The issue also contains an interview with José Maria Valverde (pp. 177-188) and two articles in the "miscellaneous" section:

  • Castellanos i Vila, Josep Anton. "Les entrevistes científiques del diari Avui: anàlisi de la terminologia i prova de comprensibilitat [The scientific interview...]," pp. 191-212.
    "The aim of this article is to analyze the mediation process of the scientific interview between areas of scientific specialization and the general public" (pp. 9-10).
  • Martínez Vallvey, Fernando. "Nuevos caminos par la enseñanza del periodismo argumentativo [New directions for teaching opinion journalism]," pp. 213-226.
    "This article analyzes theoretical thinking on, and the teaching of, opinion-based journalistic genres as discerned from the curricula of opinion journalism subjects and writing guides for journalism: teaching which has been based more on external and structural aspects than on producing persuasive arguments" (p. 10).